Whatever your questions and for more information on any of our services please give us a call on to speak to one of our team.
If you’re anything like me, you will probably not have given your fuseboard much thought.
Why would you? So long as your lights turn on and off and your TV works then everything is fine. Or is it……?
Current regulations for a domestic fuse board to be compliant are that it needs to be 18th edition and metal.
Guidelines state that you should have your fuse board checked at least every 10 years, or if the property changes ownership.
I recently bought a house that needs modernising, did I check the fuse board? Did I heck! I was too busy picking wallpaper and carpets and planning where all the furniture was going to go.
That was until child number 2 turned the hair dryer on and all the lights and power upstairs well and truly blew. All hell broke loose as child number 3 needed to see what happened next on the video he was watching, child number 2 was having a total meltdown as she is scared of the dark and child number 1 used it as the perfect excuse to leg it in the darkness and have us stumble around searching for him by phone light.
Lucky for me I called one of the electricians from work who came straight over to see what we had done whilst I juggled consoling child number 2, searching for child number 3 and listening to the whinges of child number 1!
The culprit was, in his words, a dinosaur of a fuse board. Apparently it was so ancient he hadn’t actually come across one like it before and took pictures to show our apprentices what they used to look like.
Although the fuse board worked perfectly fine for the lovely elderly lady that lived there before us, it couldn’t cope with the demand of the technology and use that me and my whirlwinds brought. I am looking at around £300 – £500 to replace it, it is variable for each house as it depends on the amount of circuits and house size etc but it’s nowhere near as expensive as I originally thought.
So if you are looking at buying a house anytime soon……….take my advice and get the fuse board checked. It may not seem important at the time, but unless you want to experience life as a caveman it is definitely worth doing.
Whatever your questions and for more information on any of our services please give us a call on to speak to one of our team.